segunda-feira, 16 de agosto de 2010

My Deep Secret

I have a secret,

A very deep secret,

That I keep since I was born.

My family knows,

My master knows

And my boyfriend knows too.

So, six persons know my secret

And I think that they’re too many.

I can’t tell anybody and

I don’t wanna tell to someone else!

This is, probably,

The last year here…

This is, probably,

My last year with them.

Right here, right now,

I miss them. And they’re still here!

But now, in the dark,

I just can’t think about nothing

Unless that my secret can be discovered.

I’m scared.

Very scared.

My eyes are red

And I just wanna sleep!

But I can’t!


God, they don’t know how hard is to keep this secret.

3 comentários:

Nita disse...

porque deixas-te de escrever?
ou pelo menos passar para o blog algumas coisas...
estou longe de ti e não consigo de modo algum diminuir a distancia, e o blog era uma forma de eu conseguir saber como estás ....
não por ser cusca, mas sim pela preocupação...
vai escrevento^^

Ana de Ideias Fixas disse...

Aqui está... Nuncadeixo de agradar os meus fãs. :)

Nita disse...

my deep secret - I love you girl