sexta-feira, 9 de março de 2012

Never Give Up

You've already told me what you feel but
I realy don't believe in your words 'cause
It's not that what your eyes tell me.

Baby, I will never give up 'till
You believe in the same thing I do.
Can't you see that I truly love you?

You feel something for me
And that I can swear
'Cause on our first date
You pull me out a chair
And when I started to get cold
You just couldn't stand it
Because you're a gentleman
And gave me your jacket.

Oh, man, we've talked so much
And you said me things
That made me blush.

You've never answered the phone
Whatever who was it
ANd when the waiter brought the bill
You've paid all from your wallet.

You've already told me what you feel but
I realy don't believe in your words 'cause
It's not that what your eyes tell me.

Baby, I will never give up 'till
You believe in the same thing I do.
Can't you see that I truly love you?

And I will treat you
Well, with all my love
Because you're the most
Amazing guy in the world!

So man, I just looked back to show
You don't need to be scared,
Just go with the low!

Do you understand what I mean?
Hell, yeah, you do!
You know that love
Just works with two: you and me, me and you!

You've already told me what you feel but
I realy don't believe in your words 'cause
It's not that what your eyes tell me.

Baby, I will never give up 'till
You believe in the same thing I do.
Can't you see that I truly love you?

How can't you see
That you mean the world to me
I wanna tell you that you're beautiful
And show you all my love!

So pleased don't be scared
I just want to help
For that I'll give you my heart

You've already told me what you feel but
I realy don't believe in your words 'cause
It's not that what your eyes tell me.

Baby, I will never give up 'till
You believe in the same thing I do.
Can't you see that I truly love you?


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